Welche Wege wollen wir als soziale Bewegungen gehen? Wie können wir tatsächlich etwas verändern und einen Systemwandel schaffen? Das ist sowas wie die ‚Gretchenfrage‘ sozialer Kämpfe, die derzeit viele Gruppen und Bewegungen beschäftigt….
Wir wollen eine sozial-ökologische Transformation – aber wie kommen wir dorthin? Der Sammelband „Degrowth und Strategie“ bringt zu dieser Frage Stimmen aus Bewegungen und Wissenschaft zusammen. Ein Gespräch mit den Co-Autor*innen Merle Schulken und Ulrich Brand.
In this „Economics for Rebels“ episode, Ekaterina Chertkovskaya depicts a convincing strategic canvas for degrowth. In her interview here with Alexandra Köves they discuss the book in more detail and dive into the anti-capitalist strategic framework of Erik Olin Wright.
In this „Economics for Rebels“ episode, Halliki Kreinin and Tahir Latif draw upon the chapter about the just transition in the aviation sector they co-authored in the book Together with Alexandra Köves, they discuss how to transform work that prioritizes short term profit over sustainability, the so-called „batshit jobs“, while providing equitable conditions for those employed in it.
Degrowth und die Frage nach der Technologie – ein nicht unbelastetes Verhältnis, das gerade deshalb besprochen gehört. Ein Interview mit Andrea Vetter.
In this episode, Tonny Nowshin, Nina Treu and Matthias Schmelzer join the postcapitalism podcast to talk about the possible strategic development of the degrowth movement, nowtopias and the concept of the pluriverse. The focal point is the discussion of their book chapter dealing with what degrowth can learn from other social movements and struggles for social-ecological transformation.
On this „She Drives Mobility“ episode, John Szabo discusses with Katja Diehl about the chapter about mobility and transport that he co-authored with Thomas Smith and Leon Leuser in the book. The episode tackles questions of degrowth transformation in the mobility sector and investigates different directions, from technology based scenarios, to others that question mobility in itself.
„Degrowth by Design – not by Desaster!“ – so lautet der Slogan der Postwachstumsbewegung. Doch trotz der eskalierenden Klimakrise, Dürren, Waldbränden und Überflutungen sind ihre Forderungen nach einer Rücknahme des Wirtschaftswachstums im medialen und politischen Diskurs kaum präsent. Im Interview diskutieren wir mit Matthias Schmelzer und Nina Treu vom Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie darüber, was es braucht, um das zu ändern und fragen: Was tun?
In this episode, Nathan Barlow and Livia Regen, the two coordinators of Degrowth & Strategy, speak with hosts Aaron and Alicia about the challenges of coordinating such a big project over the last two years, the small successes along the way, and some reflections on the book’s key messages.
Susan Paulson joins the US-based radio show and podcast, This is Hell!, to discuss her chapter on the potential of strategic entanglements! They explore how thinking about strategy from a quantum perspective can illuminate the role of intentional plurality when strategizing and how to mindfully form allies for a transformative project like degrowth.
In this review US-American writer, speaker and activist Keith Akers adopts a humoristic tone to guide you through his reading of Degrowth & Strategy. Beyond its light-hearted engagement, the review builds on the book’s content to explore links with veganism.
In this paper, Richard Bärnthaler from the Vienna University of Economics and Business further explores the “how” of social-ecological transformation, building on material from Degrowth & Strategy. He firstly identifies dialectics as a key strength of the degrowth scholarship, and then moves on to highlighting three major hindrances to successful strategising: the rejection of hegemony, the focus on similar values in building alliances, and the primacy of bottom-up organising.
Our fellow-degrowthers from Steady State Manchester published a review of Degrowth & Strategy, authored by Mark Burton. Amongst others, the review summarises Chertkovskaya’s adaptation of Erik Olin Wright framework and explores the limits of over-relying on it in Part II. Mark Burton also proposes a selection of the most thought-provoking chapters.
“This book marks a pivotal moment in the history of the Degrowth movement, as it finally opens a long-awaited space for the movement to discuss in-depth its strategic position of how to bring about socio-ecological transformation.”
The first academic review is now available in open access in the peer-reviewed journal Organization. Fabian Maier from Nottingham University brings the book in dialogue with other publications and identifies key areas for further research.
Another review is out: activist Valentina Schütze Sánchez describes how the content of the book converges with its writing process. She pays particular attention to local case studies explored in Part II and emphasises their relevance to systemic fights, highlighting the strategic necessity to connect diverse struggles.
>> read the review published by La Moralista
>> read the review published by The Good News Emporium (Feb 2023, p 15)
In this review published on degrowth.info, Samuel Singer sets Degrowth & Strategy in dialogue with The Future is Degrowth by Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter and Aaron Vansintjan. Samuel Singer dwells on both books’ take on Erik Olin Wright’s contributions, reflects upon strategic indeterminism, and concludes on the complementary aspect of the two volumes.
Degrowth & Strategy has been reviewed in the first volume of the freshly launched Degrowth Journal – what an honour! The review, authored by Charles Stevenson whom you may remember from a webinar series we organised in Autumn 2022, calls for more strategising to counter corporate power.
degrowth.info – 27.07.2022
In a previous article you may have read about the book Degrowth & Strategy; it was still a work in progress then and we were reaching out for financial support. Today, July 27th 2022, the collected volume Degrowth & Strategy: how to bring about social-ecological transformation is finally out….
mosaic blog – 26.07.2022
Welche Wege wollen wir als soziale Bewegungen gehen? Wie können wir tatsächlich etwas verändern und einen Systemwandel schaffen? Das ist sowas wie die ‚Gretchenfrage‘ sozialer Kämpfe, die derzeit viele Gruppen und Bewegungen beschäftigt….
degrowth.info – 19.12.2022
Following the 2020 Vienna Conference on Degrowth, the publication of Degrowth & Strategy, and a webinar on strategising with and within diversity hosted by Degrowth Talks, Susan Paulson pursues her reflection on dynamics of strategy in degrowth with a new blog post. She builds on her past reflections and personal experiences, analyses the co-creation of the volume Degrowth & Strategy, and expands on the concept of strategic entanglements that she had proposed in her contribution to Degrowth & Strategy.
Wir leben in einer Wegwerfgesellschaft, in der Sollbruchstellen und kurze Produktinnovationszyklen zu Überkonsum und Ressourcenausbeutung führen. Reparatur ist eine Strategie, dieser Verschwendung entgegenzuwirken, allerdings reicht Reparatur alleine nicht aus, die Probleme einer Wachstumsökonomie zu korrigieren. Degrowth Vienna setzt sich für ein Neudenken von Wohlstand abseits von Überproduktion und -konsum ein und war erstmals im ORF zu sehen!
Vlad Buneas’s youtube channel is dedicated to popularising degrowth and post-growth ideas. If you found the book’s content somewhat too academic, then this video caption of Vlad’s public talk is for you. After an introduction restating the need for post-growth societies, Vlad runs his audience through a lot of the book’s content, including the adaptation of Erik Olin Wright’s typology in chapter 2, strategic approaches presented in chapter 6, as well as many examples from Part II. More videos by Vlad to come soon!
In the weeks leading up to the COP 27 this autumn, we co-organised a two-part webinar with Degrowth Talks.
Strategising for degrowth with and within diversity, with Susan Paulson, Joe Herbert, Livia Regen and Merle Schulken, moderated by Oxana Lopatina.
We celebrated the book’s publication with our international editors, contributors and readers.
Strategies in practice: challenging corporate power, with Colleen Schneider, Halliki Kreinin and Mario Díaz, moderated by Charles Stevenson.
Vlad Bunea has already published a video on degrowth strategies that covered some of the book’s content. He now comes back with an interview of Ellie Perkins and Samantha Mailhot who co-authored the brilliant chapter on social equity.
How does growth create inequalities? How can degrowth be inclusive? What does feminism have to say about these questions? Ellie, Sam and Vlad cover a huge range of essential topics: they unpack patriarchy, capitalism, equity and commoning, they touch on Buen Vivir and Ubuntu, they discuss colonisation and co-optation, housing and cooperative owning, they reflect on ways forward such as universal basic income and services, and much more.
Sit back and watch this engaging, accessible, nuanced, down-to-earth and very well-realised video-interview!